Druga chemia
Druga chemia. Znowu zdenerwowanie. Na pierwszej nie było łatwo. Na korytarzu nowe twarze, ale też te z pierwszej chemii. Czas na rejestrację i założenie wenflonu (tego nie lubię najbardziej). Uprzedzam pielęgniarkę, że ostatnim razem miałam omdlenie. Chwila rozmowy, kilka żartów i atmosfera przestała być taka „gęsta”. Jakoś poszło. Teraz czekam na wyniki badania krwi i wizytę lekarską.
Zadaniowość czyli kaizen w chorobie.
„Muszę podejść do leczenia zadaniowo”. Te słowa padały wiele razy z ust lekarzy. Z perspektywy czasu i po pewnych przemyśleniach doszłam do wniosku, że zadaniowość to nic innego jak pewna forma Kaizen (małe kroki). O Kaizen pisałam na blogu wcześniej, ale w innym kontekście.
Jak przekazać informację o chorobie?
Jechałam na pierwsze badanie i gdzieś w głębi siebie wiedziałam, że muszę się przygotować na złe wieści… Sama bym sobie powiedziała, że głupio myślę i powinnam przestać, ale…
Moja historia…
Zakładając bloga „My way to success” nie pomyślałabym, że życie skieruje mnie również na tę drogę. A jednak…
Finance education
I’m a big fan of series „Ranczo”(comedy series about a Polish village).
Metamorphosis – Summary of second workout month
It’s time for a summary of another month of working towards better looks and „feels”. Unfortunately I can’t say that my plan worked perfectly.
It has been some time since my last post. You could say – another failure. Still doing my excersises. Not as much as I wanted it, but Rome was not built in a day. (HOLIDAYS ARE COMMING – time to increase the pace). Working on my project goes very slowly. The truth is that I’ve always had problems with starting something, but as it I did it somehow turn to go smoothly. You might say „that’s my nature,” but is it? Laziness and fear restrain me. When nothing is done, no action is undertaken, it is easy to imagine that our plans, our dreams relate success. Imagine that you are…
It’s time for a summary of the first month of my metamorphosis. My goal is to get rid of the 6 extra kilograms after pregnancy. It’s not much, but still. Actually, it’s not about weight, but about what bothers me in myself and thats my belly. Now that I know what is the problem, I need to do something about it. Thinking about it is not enough. Zero excuses. It is something that I have power over and I can do somthing about it. I do not have the possibility of going to the gym, but if You want somehitng, You can get it. Just a little space, a foam…
It all started very simple… From time to time you are allowed a piece of chocolate with your coffee. That’s when everything collapsed. One small deviation from our decisions. So passed almost two weeks when I exercised, I did not write, did not read any books. How easy it is to fall when we are not true to ourselves. I could be a lot more …
Decisions made. Let’s get to work. We are full of enthusiasm and hope that this time we will succeed. So passes the first, second week. Suddenly it turns out that it is not so easy to keep our resolutions. We are tired or have a bad day. Sometimes you have to take a break. Two days turns to two weeks. And then what?