They say I look good after giving birth to two babies. Maybe it’s not bad, but the truth is that I don’t feel good in my own skin. Working in the popular clothing company have taught me a few tricks how to mask my imperfections. My husband says, „You don’t like it, then do something about it.”
Past is past. It is true that it shaped us and it’s very important to us. There are things, stuff, events that we would like to change and some that could last forever. How much more should we look to the future. Many times I wondered what I would do in the past if I had the opportunity of today’s knowledge. Back to the times when I was finishing high school. Would not it be wonderful?
I have one thought in my mind for some time which is “how much I want to succeed?” How much determined I am? How much I am willing to sacrifice to achieve it? Only action leads to success. To be successful athletes train a lot. Not for one day, sometimes for years. It’s not enough to make a decision, do little bit of work and then sit back and wait until it all finishes itself. The temptation to put off some things till tomorrow is huge. Time is ticking. Do not give up!
FEAR “It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the master work. Now, I’m beginning what I could have started ten years ago. But I’m happy at least that I didn’t wait twenty years”. Paulo Coelho Fear, anxiety causes that I was standing in place for many years. The End! I’ve had enough! This year, I will do anything to achieve my goals. No matter what!. Do I have concerns about writing a blog, working on other projects? Sure. I’m terrified. But that does not disturb me, not this time! Fear has big eyes. How many times I was afraid that something will go wrong.…
As the title says, it will be a story about my life, my personal successes and probably not a single defeat. Why a blog? Because I was looking for a tool that will help me in my quest for success and account itself from personal decisions. Time to leave my comfort zone. I do not know and never heard of any person who would achieve success without doing anything. So it’s time to act. It is my time, a very good time …